How to deal with annoying people. A complete guide for tolerating idiots: SHORT BLOG.

Good morning, afternoon, and evening, well whatever suits you best, today we have a grave topic to discuss, which is how to deal with idiots. Personally, I have dealt with a lot of ones, you can say my life is full of them mostly, so after tolerating them until now I have gained good experience in dealing with them.

There are only two steps you can actually take.

First- Be patient with them, yes you heard it right, no matter what you do you WILL NEVER win an argument with an idiot. You can actually win an argument with smart people but there is no possibility with idiots. WHY? Smart people listen to your logic and accept that they are wrong because this is a good opportunity to learn for them, but idiots, ARE ONLY HERE TO TEACH. They have their own logic and own argument and for them, you are always wrong even though you are right

Sounds annoying? well, because it is . This is a real-world baby, and the world is unfair. Annoying people always make you feel like you want to get swallowed by this beautiful earth and live as a saint. One more thing you can do smile and nod technique, that’s my personal favorite all you have to do just smile and nod, make them feel like they are in power, that every word coming out from their mouth is contributing to your life it doesn’t matter you are losing your sanity MAKE THEM FEEL IMPORTANT or otherwise

SECOND OPTION- SLAP THEM!!! yepp, listen darling either you embrace their absurdity or you smack them in the face HARD, see this is one is my my personal favorites. oh, how much does this option give me peace, even though I only tried it once I can tell you it can give you an immense amount of peace as it did to me. This option may sound rational but either you listen to their absurdity with a keen interest or at least pretend like it, ORRR just go with your impulse behavior and smack them, be a bigger idiot than they are.

In this chaotic place called life you either express yourself or impress orrrrrrrrrrrrr maybe.. sometimes only be idiot. That’s the only solution.

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